Wednesday, August 13, 2014

EOC Week 2: Sweet Charity

Today in class we watched a movie called Sweet Charity from 1969 staring Shirley Maclaine. The movie is about a taxi dancer named Charity who continues to have faith in the human race despite numerous disappointments, and in hopes to finally meet the man to sweep her off her feet and take her away from her sleazy life. During the movie Charity has an interview with the Human Resources department, during this time of the movie there were some really good views on what you should do and should not do in an interview. For example, something she did wrong during the interview was she did not dress as appropriate and business professional as she should have, she also ended up breaking down and begging for a job which is something no one should ever do. Rehearse before training. Just as trainees must practice to learn a task, trainers should also practice to gain experience with their presentation. Be aware of appearance and hygiene.(Chapter 7 pg. 246) Also, she did not even introduce herself when she walked into the room, she should have gave him a handshake and introduced herself."We probably don't consciously remember a person's handshake or whether it was good or bad. But the handshake is one of the first nonverbal clues we get about the person's overall personality, and that impression is what we remember." (  Despite all this, she did do something right, and that was maintaining her optimism. Some managers maintain that employee rating and appraisal systems must include the evaluation of subjective employee characteristics such as personality, attitude, appearance, demeanor, friendliness, and social behavior. Other managers maintain that these characteristics most often do not reflect a worker's ability to successfully perform a job.(Chapter 9 pg.328)

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